Unique Features :


          Aspee Nutan Academy believes that learners should be trained for global citizenship and community welfare. The focus is to provide learners with opportunities and platforms to display and hone their talents. The Academy envisions learners who are responsible citizens, more caring and knowledgeable, and curious thinkers. The academy creates learners who would look forward to tremendous learning opportunities for holistic growth.

          Aspee Nutan Academy envisions to create world class citizens with latest knowledge and skills as required for them to constructively adapt themselves in the world of work tomorrow.

          The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring,knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
New Lecturer Meeting

In 1962 the International Schools Association (ISA), teachers of social studies in international schools, convened in Geneva for a conference. These educators advocated for a globally-minded education, based on student-centred learning and interactive classrooms. They were influenced by the teaching philosophies of several progressive educators, including John Dewey, A.S. Neill, Jean Piaget, and Jerome Bruner. During the conference, the ISA adopted the term International Baccalaureate, based on a recommendation by conference organizer and educator, Bob Leach. In the years leading up to the IB’s official registration in 1968, educators including Alex Peterson, Robert Leach, John Goormaghtigh, and Kurt Hahn developed the philosophy, structure, and content of the IB Diploma Programme. The International Baccalaureate was recognized as an official organization in 1968 and introduced the same year as a pilot programme by in 12 different countries.

New Lecturer Meeting

What is the aim of International Baccalaureate?

The IB aims to inspire a quest for learning throughout life that is marked by enthusiasm and empathy. The IB aspires to help schools develop well-rounded students, who respond to challenges with optimism and an open mind, are confident in their own identities, make ethical decisions, join with others in celebrating their common humanity, and are prepared to apply what they learn in real-world, complex and unpredictable situations.

About International Baccalaureate Career Related Programme

"IBCP students undertake a minimum of two IB Diploma Programme (DP) courses, a core consisting of four components and a career-related study.
For CP students, DP courses provide the theoretical underpinning and academic rigour of the programme; the career-related study further supports the programme’s academic strength and provides practical, real-world approaches to learning; and the CP core helps them to develop skills and competencies required for lifelong learning."

The four key foundational and interrelated elements that are central to all IB programmes :

Course One

1.Focus on Learners

IB Programmes are student centred and promote healthy relationships, ethical responsibility and personal challenge.

Course Two

2.Develops effective approaches to teaching and learning

IB programmes are tought by teachers who helps students to learn how to develop the attitudes and skills they need for both academics and personal success.

3.Works within global context

IB programmes increase understanding of languages and cultures and explore globally significant ideas and issues.

4.Explore significant content

IB programmes offer a curriculum that is broad and balanced, conceptual and connected.

IBCP Recognition in India and Abroad

The International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP) is a qualification that combines academic study with practical, real-world learning. The IBCP is recognized by a variety of universities and colleges around the world, including the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). Recognition of the IBCP by the AIU means that students who have completed the programme can apply to universities in India and have their qualifications recognized by the AIU. This can be beneficial for students who are interested in pursuing higher education in India or seeking employment in India. Overall,the IBCP is a respected qualification that is recognized by a range of institutions and organizations around the world, including the AIU.

Curriculum Framework for IBCP

As part of the CP blueprint, students study at least two Diploma Programme (DP) courses alongside the CP core and a career-related course. As a CP student, you will learn the theoretical foundations of the programme and gain academic rigor; the career-related course incorporates practical, real-world experiences into the coursework; and the CP core assists with the development of the skills and competencies required for lifelong learning. In addition to the Career-related studies, students are required to choose related DP subjects at either the standard or higher level in the IB Career-related Programme.
I. CP Core Subjects

The CP Core is mandatory for all students enrolling in the programme.

* Personal and Professional Skills aims to foster skills development at work by developing transferable skills such as intercultural understanding, communication, and critical thinking abilities.

* Students who participate in Service Learning have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the community. Through service, students develop their personal and social skills and apply them in real-life situations.

* Reflective Project is a cumulative work based on the exploration of a moral dilemma in the workplace and modern business operations. This project fosters intellectual discovery and creativity and fosters communication and research skills.

* The Course on Language Development enables students to gain an understanding of other cultures through the use of an additional language within their specific career-related studies.

II. Career- related studies

The CP Core is mandatory for all students enrolling in the programme.

Students at Aspee Nutan Academy have the option of choosing any one of the two career-related programmes that fit their aspirations.

By partnering with the World Academy of Career Programmes(WACP), we are able to offer students career-related courses in-

* Accounts and Financial Management

* Business Administration

III. DP Subjects

The students will be offered the following two DP subjects for both the options of Career-related studies.

* Business Management

* Economics

* Language B : English

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